The Lingo

Around this time of year, a number of GHC fellows travel home. Regardless of the destination, it’s likely a few phrases we’ve picked up won’t make much sense to the folks at home. Certainly we now know a few sayings in the local language, but what I find even more fascinating are the English phrases […]

The Kindness of Strangers

Things will go wrong when you leave your comfort zone and move, let’s say, to Africa. Events will not play out as they do in your favorite documentaries and nonfiction books about strife, development, and inequality. It isn’t always (or even often) smiling mothers with babies, community workshops “in the field”, and picturesque landscapes. There […]

The sky will not be the limit!

“Ring..Ring,” goes the phone as I received a call from one of the recruiting officers of the Global Health Corps. “Are you Ariong Moses?,” to which I answered in the affirmative. He was informing me that I was wanted for an interview in the next day by 2:00 PM, as I had passed preliminary screening […]

The Health Care Provider Greener Pasture Factor

When addressing and attempting to fix the issues of health equity, we need to closely look at, scrutinize and challenge as many factors as possible. In most cases, it usually comes down to political criticism, which in my opinion is too harsh sometimes. Looking at the situation of health care provision in Zambia and most […]