Improving Patient Care, One Employee at a Time

Recently, my fellow GHC cohorts in Malawi launched the #health2me photo campaign to promote global health and GHC in Malawi, and to encourage people to think beyond traditional understandings of health. As I considered what health meant to me – well-being, happiness, self-sufficiency, peace of mind, and so on – I settled on the idea […]

My Experience With Grief in Lusaka

When my colleague, whom I will identify as Mr. Phiri, comes into my office, people know it. He dresses better than everyone, he’s incredibly enthusiastic and dedicated to his job, and seems like he is always in three places at once.  He gets things done, and he is highly respected for his intense work ethic. […]

Student-Teacher Relationship

It’s that time of year again. The summer has come to a close, the kids are heading back to school, and for the first time in a long time, I won’t be heading back with them. Having completed the final requirements for my Masters in Public Health two weeks ago, school’s out for me. And […]