Maybe It’s the World, and Not You, That Is Broken

After almost three decades of fighting a never-ending battle with my brain, I found out that I was autistic earlier this year. All it took was a global pandemic and moving to a city where I knew no one in a national lockdown for me to notice that the cycles of anxiety, followed by depression, […]

Embracing Mental Health in Organizations

The mental well-being of a population–including social well-being and psychological and emotional aspects–is essential to organizational development and a country’s sustainable development. The state of our mental health impacts the way we think, the way we act, the choices we make, and how we relate with others in society. A 2016 report from The Mental […]

Between What is Common and What is Right

As a child, I was often called inquisitive. Adults told me I had a “creative mind.” I remember bringing my friends together to perform plays, poems, and all sorts of activities at school. I wanted to try everything. I was not a quiet child. I started using my voice early in the Anti-AIDS club and environmental […]

Embracing Mental Health in Organizations

The mental well-being of a population–including social well-being and psychological and emotional aspects–is essential to organizational development and a country’s sustainable development. The state of our mental health impacts the way we think, the way we act, the choices we make, and how we relate with others in society. A 2016 report from The Mental […]

Between What is Common and What is Right

As a child, I was often called inquisitive. Adults told me I had a “creative mind.” I remember bringing my friends together to perform plays, poems, and all sorts of activities at school. I wanted to try everything. I was not a quiet child. I started using my voice early in the Anti-AIDS club and environmental […]

Maybe It’s the World, and Not You, That Is Broken

After almost three decades of fighting a never-ending battle with my brain, I found out that I was autistic earlier this year. All it took was a global pandemic and moving to a city where I knew no one in a national lockdown for me to notice that the cycles of anxiety, followed by depression, […]

The Realities of Medical Apartheid, from Palestine to the U.S.

You should know that I’m unapologetically Palestinian. One starting point for my family is when my father and his family were expelled from their home in Palestine in 1967 and became refugees living in Jordan due to the Israeli occupation of Palestine. Several years later my parents married, had my brother, and eventually made their […]

Dear White Women In International Development

You comprise 80% of the workforce and while you may be well-meaning and altruistic in your reasons for working in this sector, institutionalized white supremacy and your mere presence as white women make you complicit in the systemic oppression of the Black and Brown people you feel led to serve in the Global South. No […]

People Power Town Hall with GHC + The Skoll Foundation

Town Hall: People Power — Developing Health Equity Leaders to Advance Systems Change Tuesday, May 18th on Zoom 9-10am PST | 12-1pm EST | 6-7pm CAT | 7-8pm EAT Systems leaders are not born — they’re intentionally developed at every level of their careers through skill building, mentorship, reflection, and being part of a collaborative network. Yet in global […]

Update on GHC’s 2021-2022 Fellowship Program

Dear friends of GHC, I’m writing to share that following careful consideration of a range of safety and security factors and relevant COVID-19 data, our team has reached the difficult decision not to place American fellows in our 2021-2022 cohort. As we did for our 2020-2021 cohort, we will instead seek to select and place […]