Justice Abinyui Muh | Global Health Corps

Justice Abinyui Muh




Abigail Beaudette

Placement Country: United States
Title: Program Manager
Health equity means that everyone has equal access to, control and ownership to technologies, services, and interventions which strengthen health including ethical data sharing tools

Justice is an information technology professional and health research ethicist from Cameroon. He has previously worked along a team of information security specialists at the African Development Bank and at R4D International. The NIH Fogarty International Center funded his master’s degree in health research ethics at the University of KwaZulu Natal in Durban, South Africa through the South African Research Ethics Training Initiative (SARETI). Justice also earned a Bachelor of Engineering in communication networks and security at the University of Information Science and Technology and a Bachelor of Science in mathematics from the University of Buea. In addition, Justice has received a number of prestigious global awards from the Clinical Center, Department of Bioethics at the United States NIH for Bioethics training in Edinburgh, and UK and the Canadian IDRC through Research ICT Africa for ICT Policy and Regulation training in Johannesburg, South Africa.