A native of Ghana, Agnes Armstrong has called New Jersey home for nearly 20 years. As an Analyst at The New Jersey State Department of Health, Agnes’ work with Federally Qualified Health Centers, Free and Charitable Clinics, community-based organizations, universities, the CDC, the FDA, community health workers, and other critical stakeholders helps to mitigate chronic disease and improve health equity across NJ. Her work focuses on underserved communities including LGBTQIA+, immigrants, low-income households, students, and residents living in areas of concern (i.e. high disease prevalence and food insecurity). Agnes developed and co-leads The Soler Center to sharpen public health practitioners' knowledge and professional skills within the Division of Community Health Services. Agnes also monitors COVID-19 research and its intersections with chronic disease, implements an evaluation plan for the Diabetes Program, and develops recommendations for enhanced use of the New Jersey State Quitline, Quit Center, and Health Systems changes for the Tobacco Program. Agnes will take on the role of Coordinator for the Preventative Health & Health Services Block Grant in July 2024. Agnes is eager to become a fellow to connect with “other globally conscious public practitioners”, sharpen her leadership skills, and amplify her impact on marginalized communities across New Jersey and the world.