Arthur Shem Kasambula

Placement Country: Uganda
Title: Bioinformatician, Ministry of Health–Uganda

Hailing from Kampala, Uganda, Arthur Shem Kasambula is a driving force behind revolutionary health initiatives in the country. As a Bioinformatician and team leader for the Ministry of Health – Uganda, he tackles barriers to health within the community through his coordination of the National District Rapid Response Teams in Amolatar and Butaleja districts. A notable accomplishment was his leadership in developing a district-wide malaria response plan, which included the production of Standard Operating Procedures in collaboration with district leaders. His supervision of data collection on malaria prevalence and environmental surveys led to the mapping of malaria hotspots and vector breeding sites. Arthur’s commitment to community engagement and capacity building for Village Health Teams has resulted in essential partnerships with key stakeholders. His achievements have significantly improved healthcare delivery, including activating a mortality surveillance system and leading health facility assessments. Notably, he championed Uganda's first public health emergency response plan for points of entry, a milestone that will be long remembered. Throughout the fellowship, Arthur aims to refine his leadership abilities through personalized coaching and mentorship while enhancing his critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making techniques. He is excited to collaborate with fellows and alumni on effective projects that will improve the health and well-being of underserved communities.