I believe that as a collective of active global citizens we have the power to put an end to the injustices we see around us.
Chiara is originally from Austin, Texas although she spent a great deal of her childhood living in Guanajuato, Mexico. Prior to joining GHC, she was living in India working for Mumbai Mobile Creches, a grassroots non-profit that provides education, healthcare, and nutrition to children living on construction sites. Chiara attended Brandeis University where she triple majored in international and global studies, anthropology, and Latin American and Latino Studies. In college, Chiara spent a summer interning with Grameen Bank in Guatemala supporting women entrepreneurs with microloans and a summer making an ethnographic documentary on the transformation of indigenous culture in Bolivia. Chiara also spent a summer studying post-conflict transformation in Rwanda and Uganda during which she lived in rural northern Uganda and completed a month-long research project on the resettlement of internally displaced persons. Chiara is an experimental chef, undistinguished painter, and an avid runner and yogi.