Elisabeth Wilhelm




Kochelani Saili

Placement Country: Zambia
Title: Advocacy & Communications Officer
Partner: PATH
Community are the voluntary ties that bind us together to our friends, the people we live with, the circles we travel in. Community to me, is often the women I work with and encounter because we often have similar experiences that transverse time and culture. I dance with grandmothers and teenagers and can laugh with a mom about the antics of her toddler, whether it is in Brooklyn or Cairo. Community allows us to reach past differences and touch others with whom we have bonds other than blood.

Elisabeth is originally from Germany but has lived in Brooklyn for the past nine years. She worked as a new media specialist staff member for Vestergaard, a firm that creates solutions to global challenges, and as a senior media specialist with the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative. Elisabeth also staffed UN youth conferences for the United Nations Association in Spain and USA. Elisabeth realized her passion for global public health while working on a public health campaign in rural Kenya as a public relations leader where she was responsible for organizing a qualitative survey of 400 households on attitudes toward safe drinking water. She received a Bachelor of Fine Arts in writing from the Pratt Institute and a master’s degree in communications with a concentration in health communication from Johns Hopkins in 2013. In her spare time, Elisabeth teaches Oriental dance at a local studio.