Gratiana Fu




Josee Uwamariya

Placement Country: Rwanda
Title: Health Informatics Officer
Partner: Team Heart
Health equity means that everyone, especially the most vulnerable individuals and populations, has universal access to health that allows them to lead the most fulfilling and healthy lives.

Gratiana Fu hails from Michigan, USA. She is a data scientist who advocates for the ethical and appropriate use of data and technology for social good. Gratiana was a founding member of Healthy Minds Coalition, a student organization that promotes mental wellness and health among college students. She helped to organize the University of Michigan's first Mental Health Monologues, a speakout event for students, staff, and faculty to share personal stories and struggles with mental health. During her time as a graduate student, she developed a research project to assess the feasibility of mHealth use by community health workers in Western Kenya and to improve adherence to HIV care and treatment. In her free time, she enjoys long-distance running and baking. She holds a master’s degree from the University of Michigan.