Jenna Marie Mellor | Global Health Corps

Jenna Marie Mellor

Jenna Marie



Kelly Imathiu Kanando Muteti

Placement Country: United States
Title: Health Fellow
I believe in the idea that "it takes a village"- for everything from raising our children to making the changes we want to see in the world; there is power and accountability to one another when we work together, however messy and difficult that might be, as communities.

Jenna recently returned from a year of living and working with her partner, a proud Cochabambino, in Cochabamba, Bolivia. Before her time in South America, Jenna ran the flagship Outreach Program at HIPS (Helping Individual Prostitutes Survive), where she managed a team of over 75 volunteers to provide a diverse range of services including HIV testing, counseling, condom distribution, and syringe exchange. She joined HIPS after working at Safe Horizon in the Brooklyn District Attorney’s Office as a case manager for domestic violence survivors. Jenna is a sex-positive leader and oral historian, who as an undergraduate at Harvard founded the high-impact Female Orgasm Seminar and chaired the Radcliffe Union of Students, a feminist organization devoted to activism and the arts. She has led menstruation workshops for Boston-area teenagers, taught literacy courses to migrant farm workers in New Jersey, and conducted original research into the history of involuntary sterilization in the United States. No matter where Jenna is in the world, she always reps the big hair and bodacious ways of her beloved hometown, Atlantic City.