Joseph Rosen




Edith Namukonda

Placement Country: Zambia
Title: Health Researcher
Partner: Population Council
When I hear health equity, I'm immediately drawn to Paul Farmer's crusade against the "politics of the possible." To me, health equity isn't a condition but rather an active, collaborative movement against unjust, commodity-oriented healthcare paradigms.

Greg Rosen hails from Florida, USA. He is a passionate harm reductionist and advocate for human rights-based approaches to health service delivery. Most recently, Greg spearheaded the processing, appraisal, and dissemination of program performance data in the PEPFAR portfolio for USAID's Office of HIV/AIDS. He spent two years with the CDC as a public health advisor, overseeing epidemiologic responses to emerging infectious diseases. He supported a variety of HIV/AIDS-related research activities, including coordinating data collection and analysis to inform the roll-out of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV prevention in Lake Victoria, Uganda. Greg can often be found running marathons, eating copious amounts of spicy food to compensate for said runs, and catching the perfect light for landscape. He holds a master’s degree from Johns Hopkins University.