Joe Shapiro




Mphatso Bokosi

Placement Country: Malawi
Title: Finance Administrator
Partner: Imperial Health Sciences
There is always a goal to chase, whether it's a short term or long term goal, aiming to make a difference in my life while positively influencing my surroundings.

Joe is originally from Rochester, New York and completed his undergraduate studies at the University at Buffalo, majoring in operations and supply chain management. During his undergraduate years, Joe co-authored On Relocation, an architecture student journal with submissions based on ideas for technologically advanced systems within buildings. He also collaborated on projects focused on improving the methods of the waste system by researching, producing materials, and experimenting with forms of engagement within the waste stream. Joe is particularly interested in the efficiency and reliability of global healthcare network needs, and in translating his background in operations and supply chain into the healthcare industry. Joe has co-founded a landscaping business called Flower City Gardens, and has taught English abroad in Tel-Aviv, Israel at the Florentine Day School. His hobbies include playing soccer, moonlighting on side projects, being engaged with his community, and anything involving the outdoors.