Josiane Isingizwe




Heather Harmon

Placement Country: United States
Title: Supply Chain Management Specialist
Partner: Build Health International
Health equity means equal opportunity to health care services to everyone regardless of their status.

Josiane Isingizwe was born and raised in Ruhango, Rwanda. She’s an engineer and a social change agent with a passion in using technology to find sustainable solutions for community issues. Prior to joining GHC, Josiane lived in Kigali, Rwanda where she worked with the Rwanda Standards Board as the Estates Manager. She co-founded and led youth groups, such as Acts of Gratitude, Wecan Women's Network, and Toastmasters Club. In 2017, the US State Department awarded and recognized Josiane as a Mandela Washington Fellow, after which she spent six weeks in Cleveland, Ohio in an intensive leadership training. Moreover, she recently represented her country as the first Rwandese United Nations Youth Assembly Delegate in NYC. In her free time, Josiane enjoys watching movies and hanging out with her family and friends. She joined GHC because she was driven with a purpose to contribute her knowledge and talents to the service of global citizens in need.