Kristin Thomas




Joseph Kalibbala

Placement Country: Uganda
Title: Communications Officer
Partner: Planned Parenthood Global
I am motivated by the words of Toni Morrison: “If you have some power, your job is to empower somebody else.” I am passionate about using my skills to benefit others.

istin Thomas is from New York, USA. She fell in love with global health during her undergraduate studies at the University of Pennsylvania, after spending a semester abroad comparing health in India, Argentina, and South Africa. Most recently, Kristin received her MSPH in International Health from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. During the program, she conducted a mixed-methods evaluation of a research study using smartphones for HIV counseling in Rakai, Uganda. After returning to the USA, she pursued internships at two nonprofit organizations working in the fields of adolescent sexual and reproductive health and health communications. Kristin is excited to live in Uganda again, and in her free time she will be found in the markets exploring the fashions of the African kitenge fabric.