Lorin Letcher



Maganizo Kruger

Maganizo Kruger Nyasulu

Placement Country: Malawi
Title: Monitoring and Evaluation Fellow
Partner: Dignitas International
Communities are the bonds of civilization, and civilization keeps us human.

Lorin grew up in Hartselle, Alabama. Since graduating from Berry College in 2007, Lorin has worked as an HIV health educator with the local government in Atlanta, Georgia. Lorin received a combined degree in anthropology and sociology. While in school, she worked as the classroom facilitator for the Inside-Out program, an initiative dedicated to assisting female inmates with obtaining their GED. In addition, Lorin was the publicity coordinator for the Green Initiative on campus, and assisted with the foundation of the first student government Green Committee. Lorin received her master’s degree in public health at Emory University in 2013, where she managed the Weight Loss at Work Wellness program as a program evaluator and has also been a teaching assistant for the Conduct of Evaluation graduate studies course. Lorin is an active member of the Atlanta intramural kickball league, and is currently playing in her fifth season.