Mphatso Bokosi




Joe Shapiro

Placement Country: Malawi
Title: Operations and Supply Chain Fellow
Partner: Imperial Health Sciences
My passion for helping people is what motivates me. No matter how small the gesture is it makes a difference in the big picture. Even just saying hello to someone can mean the world to them.

Mphatso lives in Malawi. She holds a Bachelor of Science in business administration and a minor in sociology from the University of Nebraska. She has always enjoyed helping others through volunteer work with organizations such as the Salvation Army, Good Neighbor Community Center, and City Impact. Mphatso’s volunteer work motivated her to return to her home country after graduation to make a difference in the lives of others. Prior to joining GHC, she spent time at Lighthouse Trust, an open access clinic for those with HIV and support for palliative care. Mphatso worked as a study assistant for Multiple Drug Resistance illnesses and as the Back to Care coordinator. As a Back to Care coordinator she was responsible for coordinating a team of seven people to trace patients who missed their clinic appointments. During her spare time, Mphatso enjoys being with her family and traveling.