Mwandwe Chileshe




Kelsey Kolbe

Placement Country: United States
Title: Global Advocacy and Outreach Associate
Partner: 1,000 Days
My opportunity to access health services gave me the best shot at life, I want to live in a world where such opportunity is not a privilege.

Mwandwe Chileshe is a Zambian native who previously led the Zambia Civil Society Scaling up Nutrition Alliance, a network that works to improve the status of nutrition in Zambia. She used skills earned from her Bachelor of Arts degree in development studies and economics to amplify her advocacy efforts and add voice to previously under-prioritized topics. Mwandwe was significant in the start-up of the country’s first Parliamentary Caucus on Food and Nutrition and contributed to the national nutrition budget analysis for three years. She co-founded Zambia’s first all-cartoon magazine called Flip, dedicated to addressing the social and political environment of Zambia in a satirical manner. Mwandwe is a passionate advocate for issues relating to poverty reduction and nutrition.