Mwiche Sensenta




Robyn Bernstein

Placement Country: Zambia
Title: HIV Research Fellow (Ndola)
Partner: Rwanda Zambia HIV Research Group
Health equity is when all human beings have the same state of wellness, resulting into equal ability to produce, regardless of all known disparities.

Mwiche Sensenta hails from Lusaka, Zambia. She aspires to generate empirical evidence that directs the establishment of good policies to improve health service delivery. Mwiche worked as a research scientist for the Vanderbilt-Zambia Network for Innovations in Global Health (VZNIGHT) project at Macha Research Trust, where she was assigned to assess the effectiveness of a newly-generated diagnostic tool for malaria. She also worked as a research assistant at Zambia Centre for Applied Health Research and Development. Mwiche was an intern at the National Malaria Elimination Centre, where she was stationed in the surveillance, monitoring and evaluation, and operational research (SMEOR) department. In her free time, she enjoys listening to, reading, and giving motivational speeches. She holds a Master of Science from the University of Zambia.