Rebecca Rwakabukoza




Chiara Bercu

Placement Country: Uganda
Title: Documentation & Communication Fellow
Partner: ACODEV
I believe that our humanity is a integral part of our communities and our interactions with them. We must stay a minute longer to chat with the grocer, and take time to know the waiter's name. It is important to see each other as people, and when we do that, there's no limit to what we can do for each other.

Becky was born in Mubende, Uganda. She completed her undergraduate studies at Amherst College where she was a United States Student Achiever’s Program scholar and Koenig scholar, completing her degree in English. She spent her summers as an undergraduate in Uganda with the Uganda Village Project in Iganga and Uganda Rural Fund in Masaka. Becky also worked with the Daily Monitor through Amherst College as a community engagement scholar.