Richard Kagimu




Ashley Dunkle

Placement Country: Uganda
Title: Informatics Officer
Partner: The Uganda Initiative for Integrated Management
Community lets me know that I am not alone and together we can.

Richard is from Kampala, Uganda. Richard is from Kampala, Uganda. He graduated from Makerere University with a bachelor's degree in medicine and surgery. While at Makerere, he led a fundraiser for the Uganda Child Cancer Foundation and received the Student Union Certificate of Merit and the Award for Distinguished Transformation Work Amongst Students. After university, he worked in the private health sector where he helped start Agape Health Care Network, a chain of community medical clinics in Uganda. He organized medical and surgical outreach camps to under-privileged communities of Uganda. Prior to joining GHC, Richard completed his master’s degree in global health systems at Queen Margaret University in the United Kingdom. In his spare time, Richard loves to cook and sightsee.