I am a member of a community and improving the lives of communities begins with me.
Salome was raised in Zambia. She studied psychology and history at the University of Zambia. In 2009, Salome joined the Center for Infectious Disease Research in Zambia as a research assistant/community educator for the Neonatal Circumcision study. Salome was promoted to community outreach coordinator for the national scale-up of early infant male circumcision (EIMC). Her responsibilities included training, supervising and monitoring peer educators and their supervisors in local clinics. In addition to this Salome assisted with clinic set up, facilitated and organized workshops, and sat on the national communications sub-committee for the development of the National Communications Strategy for Male Circumcision. Additionally, Salome was responsible for the development of the education and communication materials for EIMC as well as conducting TV and radio sensitization campaigns. Salome received her master’s degree in the philosophy of childhood studies after being awarded a scholarship to attend the Norwegian University.