Sharon Paul




Joan Alupo

Placement Country: Uganda
Title: Knowledge Management, Communication and External Relations Officer
Partner: Jhpiego
In the presence of an unjust and unequal world, I'm motivated to play a role in bringing about wholeness.

Sharon was born in Chennai, India and has lived in various locations along the Mid-Atlantic. While in graduate school, she interned with World Vision in India working to evaluate a community-based program that served women affected by HIV/AIDS. This experience, along with her time spent in Tanzania, Kenya, and Zambia in service learning, sparked her passion to work to improve health for women on the margins of society. Sharon received her Master of Public Health in behavioral and community health at the University of Pittsburgh and studied biology and cross-cultural studies as an undergraduate at Messiah College. Prior to GHC, Sharon worked at FHI 360 on the Strategic Analysis & Partnerships team supporting corporate presence at conferences and country-focused strategic planning activities. In her free time, Sharon enjoys adventuring on her bike, making handmade cards, and eating sweet treats.