Siobhan Kelley | Global Health Corps

Siobhan Kelley




Ben Haggai Onyango

Placement Country: United States
Title: Development & Advocacy Coordinator
I am motivated by the tension between the world as I see it, and the world I want to see.

Siobhan is originally from Williston, Vermont. She completed her Bachelor of Arts degree in International Development & Social Change at Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts. She spent a semester in Windhoek, Namibia where she interned at Namibia Women’s Health Network. She also founded the Conflict-Free Clark University campaign on her campus, which aimed to bring awareness to the connection between electronics and the conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. This resulted in Clark University passing the first conflict-free purchasing policy in the nation in Fall 2011. After graduating, Siobhan spent the summer at Partners In Health as the community engagement intern, where she facilitated the creation of PIH Engage, a community organizing initiative to empower local communities through meaningful action to impact PIH’s work abroad. She recently completed her Master of Arts in International Development & Social Change at Clark University. For her master’s degree, she wrote her thesis on her experiences as an activist and her analysis of the dominant narratives in Western advocacy campaigns on the Democratic Republic of Congo.