So Yoon Sim

So Yoon



Ashley Porter

Placement Country: United States
Title: Health Policy Fellow
Partner: Grameen PrimaCare
One can't transform the world alone, but a community can make change happen.

So Yoon (Yoonie) was born and raised in South Korea, and received her bachelor’s degree in Latin American studies from Yale University. While in college, she divided her time between New Haven and South America. Selected by South Korea's Ministry of Foreign Affairs as an intern at Latin American Integration Association (ALADI) in Montevideo, Uruguay, she served on the ALADI Secretary General's task force and contributed to the launch of a think tank on economic and trade relations between Latin America and Asia. She also managed a project on microfranchise solutions for dengue fever prevention at Fundación Paraguaya in Asuncion, Paraguay. Prior to joining GHC, she served as a Woodbridge Fellow selected by Yale's Office of the President, supporting the university's internationalization efforts in Brazil and managing the production of a video series. In her spare time, Yoonie enjoys cooking, running, and making videos. An avid Candombe dancer, she performed at parades and in musical theater productions at the Uruguayan carnival.