Themba Nyirenda




Elise Mann

Placement Country: Malawi
Title: Medical Informatics Specialist
Partner: Partners In Health/Abwenzi Pa Za Umoyo
Access to quality healthcare services to all people regardless of their social, cultural or economical status. Health is not an area of compromise.

Themba Nyirenda hails from Karonga, Malawi. He is a highly motivated data analyst with a passion for providing innovative solutions for the health industry. In 2017, Themba was promoted to the post of enterprise applications engineer at Atlancis Technologies Ltd in Nairobi, Kenya. He was assigned to a role that required the mining and manipulation of big data, which brought him closer to his goal of becoming a data scientist. In his free time, Themba can be found jogging, hiking, working out, or watching movies. He received his Master of Science from The Chancellor College at the University of Malawi.