As part of my  Global Health Corps adventure, I was required to write a blog. Now understand, as a scientist, my usually active mind came to a near panic on what to write. I don’t write, I do long statistical equations! And then just the other day as I was reflecting on how hopeless this task was, as my life was flashing in front of my eyes, it hit me: why not write about what I have learned on this journey so far, the journey that is my life leading up to my GHC experience? Why not share the few gems I have stored with the rest of my GHC family and the world? So strap yourself in world and let me share the few pearls of wisdom life has seen fit to impart on me.

1. I am not always in control of situations
I have found myself in countless situations that have reminded me that I am not always in control. Knowing that takes away worry over things that I cannot do anything about. Instead, I find myself concentrating on those things that I have control over. Sometimes in life you have to just let things be. Let things play out the way they were meant to.

2. I cannot be there for everyone
Just like I am not always in control, I also know that I cannot be there for everyone even if it’s my ardent desire. Be it a beggar on the street, family, friend or colleague. But that doesn’t mean I can’t be there at all; I can and that is what makes me try. Be there for those that you can. For the ones that you can’t be there for, pray and hope for the best for them.

3. A little kindness goes a long way
Kindness doesn’t cost anything. So be kind. It’s the smallest acts of kindness that will go a long way. It doesn’t have to be a large act of kindness. It is the thought that counts. Being kind doesn’t require any effort, you just be and let that be your way of life. In being kind, don’t overlook the people closest to you, they need your kindness too even though they know you.

4. Always see the best in people
As human beings, it’s common knowledge that we all have flaws. No one is perfect, always remember that. Choose to see the best in people. That should be what makes them. Don’t let people be defined by their flaws. Let their best character define them.

5. Forgive! Forgive! Forgive!
Anger brings pain. It takes away a piece of your soul that you can’t get back. Forgiveness is for you. Forgive regardless of an apology. If an apology comes even better, if it doesn’t life has to go on. Forgiveness brings tranquility and contentment. Forgives makes you look beyond one’s flaws. Forgiveness doesn’t mean you are excusing someone’s behavior or people’s flaws; it means letting go of the hurt that it has brought you.

6. The need for a purpose in one’s life
A purpose in life is that driving force that we all need. Being purposeless brings distraction. So find your purpose, you will soon realize that things fall into place quickly and you find yourself living a fulfilling and meaningful life. Purpose in life takes you to greater heights.

7. Do your best
In every situation do your best. Be it at your work, school, in your marriage, friendships, etc. Your efforts will go a long way. Remember that no one was born educated, so take time to learn how to be best in all situations. Set your own standards and live by them. Don’t beat yourself too hard; your best is your best. Don’t measure yourself against someone else’s standards. People will appreciate your best and it will earn their respect. So strive to be good at what you do.

8. Appreciate what you have
We were created in a way that we always want more, what we have is never enough. But it can be, when you start appreciating what you have. Count your blessings as I say. Good health, a roof over your head, food to eat, a job that earns you an income, family and friends that love you, and a world that you are a part of. You have a lot to be grateful for. So appreciate what you have. Always look at what you have rather than what you would like to have.

9. Always give back
Much as receiving is good, giving is better. There is an adage that says “it is more blessed to give than to receive.” There is a very good reason why most religions see it fit to give tithe. Give to those that have less than you, give to those that have more than what you have, and most importantly give back to communities. Take time to do community work, give without expecting anything in return. One of the best gifts you can give to the world is your time. Time is priceless and yet expensive at the same time. With the busy schedules that we have, we forget to make time to just be, to give some of that time to a good cause. Giving doesn’t necessarily mean in monetary or material terms, it could be as priceless as time. So always give and give back.

10. Love no matter what
Hatred takes too much energy. The world needs love. Love is the epitome of peace, tranquility, kindness, hope, faith, mercy, forgiveness and sincerity. We all need love. As cheesy as this might sound, love is what gives us hope and makes us better human beings. But what most of us forget is to love ourselves, we are so bent on loving everyone else that we forget one of the most important people that need love; and that is ourselves. I need love. One of the best pieces of advice I have received in this life is to love myself before I can love the world. You also deserve love so love yourself first. The love you give to the world should be a reflection of the love that you have in you and for yourself. Love loves love. Love brings us together. It creates friendships and unites family.

My hope is that you come away with at least one lesson from reading this. More lessons to come!

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