The confusing maze of influences and influencers in advocacy

During the Article 25 Global Day of Action, a group of Ugandan-based Global Health Corps (GHC) fellows joined Uganda Development and Health Associates (UDHA) on the islands of Kaaza and Serinyabi in Mayuge District. These islands are located in Lake Victoria, and have no health facilities. The series of events started the night of October […]

Increasing passion for global health through health promotion in rural Burundi

Being born in a country where public health is an everyday challenge and growing up in a country where women and children die because we lack skilled health care professionals, drugs, and health infrastructure is enough to make anyone pessimistic. Talking about change can be seen as just a distraction, especially for the mother sitting […]

Closing the gap: Targeted HIV prevention and control response for polygamous serodiscordant couples in Southwestern Uganda.

Polygamous serodiscordant relations are at the center of social complexities related to serostatus disclosure, seeking care and adherence to treatment. The uninfected partner(s) however, face a high risk of acquiring HIV. The strengthening TB & HIV/AIDS response in southwestern Uganda (STAR-SW), USAID funded and EGPAF-led project that supports 234 primary health care facilities in 13 […]

The Road to Change: Tugire Nawe Nuze

Change doesn’t always happen in grandiose gestures; it is a process. And in that process, there will be moments when we question if we are strong enough for the task before us. We may question whether the very talents that gave us the confidence to recognize a need will be the talents that carry us […]

Of Predictable Surprises and Haitian Nightmares

Insanity is often defined as doing the same thing over and over again yet expecting different results. It is disputable where the saying originated. Albert Einstein, Mark Twain and Rita Mae Brown have all, at some point, been associated with this quote. Whichever mouthpiece you prefer, there is no denying the universal wisdom this line […]

The Global Health Web

Nearly three month ago I found myself siting on an Adirondack chair on Broadway Triangle. Beauty drew us to this section of town. It was one block from Pierson College, where I along with other global health advocates, were residing. A nice gentle breeze was blowing from Elm Street, carrying with it a tantalizing aroma […]

Happiness Toolkit

Living and working in Uganda isn’t easy. Picture this: you’re working in a country that has totally different customs, languages and cultures (yes, multiple) from your own. So you’re trying to wrap your head around the incredible diversity around you while picking up words in the various languages you hear. You’re trying to learn when […]

The Whole Person

Through my consistent experiences with patients at the Joint Clinical Research Centre (JCRC), a HIV/AIDS care and research facility just outside of Kampala, Uganda, I am reminded of how complex a patient’s experience can be with a chronic illness, especially when it involves pain. The pain of living with HIV is not often a story solely […]

Holistic Health

Global Health Corps is an organization that promotes health equity for all. What does it mean to be well? How does one not contract a disease? Is health just the absence of disease or does it mean more than that? The World Health Organization goes a step further and defines health as “a state of […]