Global Health Corps' CEO, Welcomes Pauly Rodney as New Chair

The Senior Vice President and Head of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Raines International will step up as GHC Co-founder Barbara Bush transitions from Chair to Board Member

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The Realities of Medical Apartheid, from Palestine to the U.S.
You should know that I’m unapologetically Palestinian. One starting point for my family is when my father...
Dear White Women In International Development
You comprise 80% of the workforce and while you may be well-meaning and altruistic in your reasons for...
2021-2022 GHC Fellows Going to the Frontlines
Dear friend, Today, we’re thrilled to introduce you to the 2021-2022 Global Health Corps fellows:...
People Power Town Hall with GHC + The Skoll Foundation
Town Hall: People Power — Developing Health Equity Leaders to Advance Systems Change Tuesday, May 18th...
Update on GHC's 2021-2022 Fellowship Program
Dear friends of GHC, I’m writing to share that following careful consideration of a range of safety and...
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