HIPS has been a wild ride so far, in the best way possible. You know that feeling when you’re traveling somewhere new for the first time and you feel like you have four million things to write, three million things to process and two million extra things to consider? I feel like that, but I haven’t been traveling all that far.

I went on my first mobile outreach just over a month ago. From 11PM to 5 or 6 AM on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights, trained volunteers drive around DC in the HIPS van providing people with condoms, lube, safer sex supplies, safer injection supplies, candy, drinks, HIV testing, and emotional support often in the form of micro-counseling. We work with male, female and transgender sex workers, injecting drug users, and with anyone else who we might happen to come across. My night out, most people were extremely open and receptive – some were thrilled to see us and chat, others just got their supplies and moved on – but I never felt threatened or unsafe. We stay in the car and have some strict protocols in place, so there are always ways out of potentially uncomfortable situations.

There are areas we go that are typically known as “trans strolls,” and other areas that appeared to attract more cis gendered workers. Since it was my first shift, I had oodles to learn from my team members. Usually we’re four to a shift, but this shift we were just three: the driver (and team leader), the one in the “hot seat” aka the passenger’s seat, and me packing supplies and taking down some basic info like the number of people reached in a night. Watching the way my team members talked with our clients, engaged them, led them towards harm reduction conversations so naturally was super inspiring. I made sure to take note of how they opened conversations (“Does anybody want free condom, candy,  lube, clean needles, lemonade?!”), how they engaged our clients (“It’s so great that you’re taking care of your sexual health!”), and turned them towards talking about harm reduction (“What do you like about condoms/lube/flavored lube?”). The conversations progressed naturally from there.

The most memorable part of the night for me happened later on. It was about 5 or 5:30ish in the morning and after observing all night, it was my turn in the hot seat. This time we went to the cis gender female stroll, and pulled up to find one woman leaned over with her forearms on the window of a cop car, unclear if they were just chatting, if she was in trouble, or if it was something more. Another woman was standing far behind her looking wide-eyed and deer-like. I called out to her our night’s catchphrase, “Free condoms, lube, clean needles!” and in keeping with the startled-ness of a deer in the headlights, for a moment she didn’t seem like she knew where to go. The first woman – the one leaning over the cop car – established herself as the seasoned pro and waved her over in our direction. She came up to the car and I quickly saw that life’s edge had done little to weather her pale blue eyes and blonde hair – she was very pretty and very young. Extravagant fake lashes only helped the wide-eyed look.

We talked a bit and I asked how her night was going. “Not good,” she responded, “I’m still out here!” She mentioned that she was new to this and new in town, moving around to different cities. We gave her lots of condoms and lube and offered a bunch of our other supplies (dental dams, finger cots, flavored lube, etc.), then asked her if she wanted a bad date sheet. Our bad date sheet is a handout we update weekly detailing bad experiences sex workers have had with johns, and certain distinguishing characteristics (e.g. young white man, 30-35, dark hair, about 6 feet tall in a blue car. Goes by “___.” Pulled a knife on her while doing it from behind). She didn’t know what it was at first, but after we explained it to her and handed her one, she went, “Ohhh, this is great – I wish they had this at the last place I was at…” trailing off towards the end.

It didn’t hit me until afterwards, but her statement was ominous and chilling; what happened where she was last? I wanted to support her, to ask if she wanted to talk about it or if she was okay, but she kept on and kept moving, and that was that.

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