Maybe It’s the World, and Not You, That Is Broken

After almost three decades of fighting a never-ending battle with my brain, I found out that I was autistic earlier this year. All it took was a global pandemic and moving to a city where I knew no one in a national lockdown for me to notice that the cycles of anxiety, followed by depression, […]

Between What is Common and What is Right

As a child, I was often called inquisitive. Adults told me I had a “creative mind.” I remember bringing my friends together to perform plays, poems, and all sorts of activities at school. I wanted to try everything. I was not a quiet child. I started using my voice early in the Anti-AIDS club and environmental […]

GHC Co-Founder Barbara Bush Receives the 2018 Skoll Award for Social Entrepreneurship.

Global Health Corps strives to strengthen and transform health systems through a network of emerging leaders who take a systems approach to inspecting and disrupting the status quo. Global Health Corps recruits diverse young professionals and places them into existing health organizations and government agencies in Eastern and Southern Africa and the United States to […]

Between What is Common and What is Right

As a child, I was often called inquisitive. Adults told me I had a “creative mind.” I remember bringing my friends together to perform plays, poems, and all sorts of activities at school. I wanted to try everything. I was not a quiet child. I started using my voice early in the Anti-AIDS club and environmental […]

Maybe It’s the World, and Not You, That Is Broken

After almost three decades of fighting a never-ending battle with my brain, I found out that I was autistic earlier this year. All it took was a global pandemic and moving to a city where I knew no one in a national lockdown for me to notice that the cycles of anxiety, followed by depression, […]

Unequal Access to Mental Health Services

This is my sincere belief that mental health is as vital as physical health and should be afforded the same level of priority by individuals and healthcare systems alike. Unfortunately, in a country like Malawi, several significant barriers prevent this from happening. In sharing some of them, I hope to also discuss possible solutions to those […]

The Realities of Medical Apartheid, from Palestine to the U.S.

You should know that I’m unapologetically Palestinian. One starting point for my family is when my father and his family were expelled from their home in Palestine in 1967 and became refugees living in Jordan due to the Israeli occupation of Palestine. Several years later my parents married, had my brother, and eventually made their […]

2021-2022 GHC Fellows Going to the Frontlines

Dear friend, Today, we’re thrilled to introduce you to the 2021-2022 Global Health Corps fellows: 40 bold, young changemakers from Malawi, Rwanda, Uganda, and Zambia.  The need to support these leaders is urgent — the communities that they and many of our GHC team members and alumni call home are combating a third wave of COVID-19. They’re fighting a 44% spike in […]

People Power Town Hall with GHC + The Skoll Foundation

Town Hall: People Power — Developing Health Equity Leaders to Advance Systems Change Tuesday, May 18th on Zoom 9-10am PST | 12-1pm EST | 6-7pm CAT | 7-8pm EAT Systems leaders are not born — they’re intentionally developed at every level of their careers through skill building, mentorship, reflection, and being part of a collaborative network. Yet in global […]

Leading Intentionally Through Transition

Dear friend, Recently, my family and I moved all of our earthly belongings from one Brooklyn apartment to another. Even as I mourned the end of a decade-long era in our old home, I welcomed the change of scenery and additional space. As we went about unpacking and settling in, I found myself thinking about how […]