Dear White Women In International Development

You comprise 80% of the workforce and while you may be well-meaning and altruistic in your reasons for working in this sector, institutionalized white supremacy and your mere presence as white women make you complicit in the systemic oppression of the Black and Brown people you feel led to serve in the Global South. No […]

2021-2022 GHC Fellows Going to the Frontlines

Dear friend, Today, we’re thrilled to introduce you to the 2021-2022 Global Health Corps fellows: 40 bold, young changemakers from Malawi, Rwanda, Uganda, and Zambia.  The need to support these leaders is urgent — the communities that they and many of our GHC team members and alumni call home are combating a third wave of COVID-19. They’re fighting a 44% spike in […]

Update on GHC’s 2021-2022 Fellowship Program

Dear friends of GHC, I’m writing to share that following careful consideration of a range of safety and security factors and relevant COVID-19 data, our team has reached the difficult decision not to place American fellows in our 2021-2022 cohort. As we did for our 2020-2021 cohort, we will instead seek to select and place […]