As I wrap up my last week here in Malawi, I am overwhelmed by how lightning fast and yet excruciatingly slow this year has been. I came to Malawi as a 22 year old (granted, I was two days shy of my birthday), and am leaving 24. I feel as though I had a lifetime of experiences in a 12 month period that I am still attempting to process, but I know that this year significantly altered my perspective on life, my career path, and what I hope to achieve as I continue within this field.

Whenever I travel to a new place, I write on a napkin/back of a receipt/a journal all of the things I am excited to see, learn, and experience. Then on my flight home I write about what I’ll miss the most and what I am grateful for. I figured for my last blogpost I could come up with my list a week early.

Malawi, I want to thank you for:

On Friday, I head to the GHC end-year retreat in Uganda, see family for a few weeks in the States, and then move to South Africa to work for a pediatric HIV organization in a township outside of Cape Town. I couldn’t be more excited for my next step, but feel a bit heartbroken saying goodbye to Malawi. As the Malawi GHC crew has repeatedly said all year, “it’s real out here” and I’ll miss it.


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