It feels like just yesterday when I got on a plane, bound for Yale and the GHC training institute. I didn’t know what to expect,  how I would fit in, what I would learn, or even how I would contribute to Global Health Corps. Days after receiving and accepting my offer letter, I tried to fathom, ponder, and comprehend what lay ahead on this journey, but all thoughts proved futile; I decided that I would have to take it as it came, one day at a time.  Flash forward to today, and I feel privileged to have been a part of all this, with no regrets whatsoever.

As I sat in Rosenfeld Hall a year ago, listening to the knowledge that was being shared by the wonderful speakers, observing the boundless energy of these young adults from all walks of life eagerly learning and attentively listening, representing such diverse backgrounds and geographic locations, it dawned on me that I was part of something big and great. I thought of it as a United Nations Summit, a representation of all ethnic backgrounds with equality in speech and presence — a very powerful visualization and realization.

During that initial training and each of our quarterly retreats, so much knowledge, insights, and wisdom was shared through informal and intellectually stimulating interactions among the fellows. Discussions on various issues that affect each respective country and continent represented matters of great substance and quality. I knew I was lucky to be among these elite minds. I promised myself that I would push hard to contribute to my community at large during my fellowship year the best way I knew how. I would do my best not to fall out of the fellowship regardless of the circumstances that befell, and here we are now, almost at the finish line. This is not our last hurrah, but just another one of the many to come for us to to commemorate what we have achieved to date.

The sheer will and hard work that each of us put into this fellowship year has been unbelievable. We could be anywhere, doing any number of things with our intelligence, our qualifications, and our set of skills, but we chose to help the deprived, the marginalised, the abused, the discriminated against, those without a voice and those that rely on us to help, even if it is just one individual. Applaud yourselves because you are all extraordinary.

Whichever opportunity one receives comes with challenges and obstacles and it is how you tackle or circumvent those challenges that justifies your commitments and passions. Continue to stand for what you believe in and you will continue to succeed!

It has been a great adventure and a great honour being part of this wonderful group with all these wonderful people. The journey will continue. In ending, I echo the words of a passionate friend and Global Health Corps fellow who said, “If allowed, I would do this again!”


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